Wellness for your mind, body, and spirit

Discover a newer, truer you

Transform your life

Find more joy, meaning, and fulfillment with Saarinity


+32 477 05 82 18

+1 803-317-2531



Transforming Lives Through Holistic Wellness Coaching

At Saarinity, we believe in the power of holistic health and wellness coaching to help individuals find joy, discover their higher selves, and transform their lives by improving their overall health and wellbeing.

Health Wellness Coaching

Transform your life through holistic health and wellness coaching services for mind, body, and soul.

Discover Joy Within

Experience joy and transformation by improving your overall health and wellbeing with Saarinity's proven coaching methods.

green and white bubbles during daytime
green and white bubbles during daytime
Find Your Higher Self

Uncover your higher self and achieve personal growth with our holistic health and wellness coaching.

Transform Your Life

Achieve Personal Growth
girl sitting on daisy flowerbed in forest
girl sitting on daisy flowerbed in forest
person sitting on top of gray rock overlooking mountain during daytime
person sitting on top of gray rock overlooking mountain during daytime

Taking Names and Transforming Lives

As my mental wellness guide, Katelyn removed the stigma around mental health, gave me the knowledge and courage I needed to seek the help of an expert, and as a result, accept myself and improve my wellbeing. The ripple effects on my family have been transformative.

girl crossing wood lumber bridge
girl crossing wood lumber bridge

San Diego

I was nervous about an upcoming interview for an elite leadership program. Preparing with Katelyn helped root me in my unique strengths. When the time came, I was confident that they would be lucky to have me in the cohort.




Having been looked over for several promotions, I felt under-appreciated at work. After upgrading my CV with Katelyn, I got an interview for a management position. The interviewer asked exactly the same questions as I had practiced with Katelyn during our coaching session. I got the job, and it accelerated my career trajectory!

man sitting on white concrete building during daytime
man sitting on white concrete building during daytime


Transform Your Life

With Saarinity

Holistic Wellness Coaching Service

Reach out to us for guidance on improving your overall wellbeing

woman stretching
woman stretching